this is a video of Mel and her kindergartners playing with the teeter totter. the puny little guy his her favorite student, and I like the girl in the pink skirt. they are both cute as heck.
there is playdough - and it is AMOS brand
mel, doing a science experiment
she was getting tired and cranky
they make her want to pull her hairs out
but their hypothesis were correct!
this is a view out of the apartment window
sorry, forgot to rotate this haha. it's a building we pass on the walk to KC - where she works
the desk of an English teacher haha
mel didn't want to push the kids on the merry-go-round
but they talked her into it anyway!
the bulgogi galbi. it was delicious! i'll definitely eat this again.
a salad with red paste on it and a tofu soup. i didn't really care for the soup at all but the salad was good
green peppers, garlic, onions, red sauce, and greens = TASTY i loved these greens
a fantastic sign for the bathrooms
mel standing on the little bridge to Sopoooong
Ok, I am so frickin jealous! Please tell Mel I said "hello". I hope you have a great time & I will check back to see what you are up to. Your friend in Flint, MI -- jayme xoxo
it look fab...u seem to be taking in everything.keepthem coming..lumttw
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