me chilling at home before i go out
Today I wasn't very productive but it was a nice day of relaxing and then going out about town. I was on my own and it was scary! I hate going out alone and I had a panic attack once I was safe in Mel's loft again. I don't know how I'll be able to handle this going out alone stuff.
Then Mel and I went to dinner and I have no idea what I ate but it is tasty. It's great that all of the food was on display. We wandered around EMart again.
That is all for the Monday, sorry that there isn't more to tell. I kind of just relaxed and did some introspection today.
what i had for dinner
mel had sweet and shower chicken
the wine we bought, i'll let you know how it works out
It is Korean Spam!!
Hey B-
Finally caught up on your whole blog so far! I love it! If you went home today- what is the one thing you would regret not doing/seeing in Korea?
I was just wondering because when I got home from England, I was like, I should have done this, I should have done that... but of course I didn't have all the money in the world to do everything I wished I could have done! Love you, and it's looking good! P.S. Did you use the subway toilet, and was there toilet paper?
who is this?
I think I will regret not doing the DMZ tour. We want to but there isn't time and it has to be planned/paid for way in advance and we didn't know that. So, i will just have to do it once I move here.
About the toilet, yes I used it and there was a roll of TP on the wall of the bathroom when you walk in, much like we have papertowels for washing hands. So, if I didn't have tissue with me i'd have used that. But, luckily, I had been warned about the no tissue thing.
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